How To Fix Reconciliation Discrepancies In QuickBooks Online

How To Fix Reconciliation Discrepancies In QuickBooks Online

Maintaining accurate financial records is crucial for the success of any small business. One of the most important accounting tasks in this regard is bank reconciliation - the process of ensuring that your business's bank account records match your QuickBooks Online (QBO) records. However, reconciliation discrepancies can sometimes arise, leading to inaccurate financial reporting and potential issues down the line.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the common types of reconciliation discrepancies, how to identify and resolve them, and strategies to prevent future errors. Whether you're a small business owner or a bookkeeper, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to keep your QuickBooks Online accounts in perfect order.

Types of Reconciliation Discrepancies

Reconciliation discrepancies can take various forms, each with its own unique causes and solutions. Let's dive into the most common types:

Beginning Balance Discrepancies

The beginning balance in your QuickBooks Online account should match the ending balance from your previous reconciliation. If these two numbers don't align, it could be due to a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Incorrect opening balance entry
  • Unrecorded transactions from the previous period
  • Erroneous adjustments or journal entries

Uncleared Transactions

Uncleared transactions are those that appear in your bank statement but have not been marked as "cleared" in your QuickBooks Online account. This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

  • Outstanding checks or deposits
  • Recurring payments or subscriptions that haven't been recorded
  • Transactions that were entered incorrectly or in the wrong account

Incorrect Entries

Sometimes, the discrepancy can be caused by errors in the way transactions were recorded in QuickBooks Online. This could include:

  • Duplicate entries
  • Incorrect amounts or dates
  • Transactions posted to the wrong account

Identifying the root cause of these discrepancies is the first step in resolving them effectively.

Locating Reconciliation Discrepancies

QuickBooks Online provides several tools and reports to help you pinpoint the source of reconciliation issues. Let's explore the key resources at your disposal:

Reconciliation Reports

The Reconciliation Reports in QuickBooks Online are your go-to source for identifying discrepancies. These reports show the details of your reconciled accounts, including any differences between your QuickBooks records and your bank statements.

To access the Reconciliation Reports, navigate to the "Reports" section in your QBO dashboard and select the appropriate report for the account you're reconciling.

Transaction History

Reviewing the transaction history for the account in question can also shed light on the source of the discrepancy. Look for any unusual or unexpected entries, as well as any transactions that may have been recorded incorrectly.

You can access the transaction history by going to the "Banking" section of your QuickBooks Online account and selecting the relevant bank account.

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail in QuickBooks Online tracks all changes made to your company's financial data, including reconciliations. This can be a valuable resource for identifying the specific actions or entries that led to the discrepancy.

To view the Audit Trail, go to the "Reports" section and select the "Audit Log" report.

By utilizing these tools, you can quickly pinpoint the root cause of the reconciliation discrepancy and move on to the next step: resolving the issue.

Resolving Reconciliation Discrepancies

Once you've identified the source of the discrepancy, it's time to take action and fix the problem. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get your QuickBooks Online account back on track:

Undo the Reconciliation

If the discrepancy is due to an error in the previous reconciliation, the first step is to undo the reconciliation. This will restore the account to its pre-reconciled state, allowing you to start fresh.

To undo a reconciliation in QuickBooks Online, go to the "Reconcile" section, select the account, and click the "Undo Last Reconciliation" button.

Correct the Errors

Once the reconciliation has been undone, you can focus on identifying and correcting the underlying errors. This may involve:

  • Entering any missing transactions
  • Adjusting incorrect amounts or dates
  • Removing duplicate entries
  • Reclassifying transactions to the proper accounts

Be sure to thoroughly review your transaction history and audit trail to ensure you've addressed all the issues.

Re-Reconcile the Account

After making the necessary corrections, it's time to re-reconcile the account. This will ensure that your QuickBooks Online records match your bank statement, restoring the accuracy of your financial data.

To reconcile the account, go to the "Reconcile" section, select the account, and follow the on-screen instructions. Carefully review each transaction to ensure that everything is properly accounted for.

Preventing Future Reconciliation Errors

Proactive measures can go a long way in preventing reconciliation discrepancies from occurring in the first place. Here are some best practices to implement:

Perform Regular Reconciliations

Regularly reconciling your bank accounts in QuickBooks Online is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records. Set a consistent schedule, such as monthly or weekly, to ensure that any discrepancies are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Adopt Proper Accounting Practices

Ensure that all transactions are recorded accurately and in the correct accounts. This includes properly categorizing income, expenses, and other financial activities. Proper accounting practices can help minimize the risk of reconciliation issues.

Utilize Reconciliation Tools

QuickBooks Online offers various tools and features to streamline the reconciliation process, such as automatic bank feeds and reconciliation rules. Take advantage of these tools to reduce the likelihood of manual errors and improve the efficiency of your reconciliations.

When to Seek Professional Help

While many reconciliation discrepancies can be resolved by following the steps outlined in this guide, there may be instances where seeking professional assistance is the best course of action. Consider reaching out to a QuickBooks-certified bookkeeper or accountant if you encounter:

  • Recurring or persistent reconciliation issues
  • Complex accounting problems that require specialized expertise
  • Concerns about the overall accuracy of your QuickBooks Online records

At, our team of QuickBooks experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and services to small businesses across the United States. Whether you need assistance with reconciliation discrepancies, bookkeeping, or any other QuickBooks-related challenges, we're here to help you maintain the financial health and integrity of your business.


Reconciliation discrepancies in QuickBooks Online can be a frustrating and time-consuming issue, but with the right knowledge and tools, they can be effectively resolved. By understanding the common types of discrepancies, utilizing the available reporting and tracking features, and implementing best practices, you can keep your QuickBooks Online accounts in perfect order.

Remember, if you ever encounter complex or recurring reconciliation problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the experts at We're dedicated to helping small businesses like yours maintain accurate financial records and achieve long-term success.

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