Resolving the QuickBooks Application with Revoked Certificate Error

Resolving the QuickBooks Application with Revoked Certificate Error

As a small business owner, you rely on QuickBooks to manage your accounting and financial operations. However, one common issue that can arise is the "QuickBooks application with revoked certificate" error. This error can be frustrating and disrupt your workflow, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can get your QuickBooks application back up and running smoothly.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the details of the QuickBooks Web Connector, the causes of the revoked certificate error, and the steps you can take to resolve the issue. We'll also explore alternative solutions and best practices to help you maintain your QuickBooks software and prevent future problems.

Understanding the QuickBooks Web Connector

The QuickBooks Web Connector is a crucial component of the QuickBooks ecosystem. It acts as a bridge between your QuickBooks desktop application and various online services, such as payment gateways, e-commerce platforms, and other third-party integrations. The Web Connector allows you to securely exchange data between QuickBooks and these external services, ensuring the seamless flow of information.

When you encounter the "QuickBooks application with revoked certificate" error, it typically means that the Web Connector is unable to establish a secure connection with the external service due to an issue with the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. This certificate is used to encrypt the communication between the Web Connector and the external service, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Causes of the Revoked Certificate Error

There are several common reasons why you might encounter the revoked certificate error in QuickBooks:

  1. Expired or Revoked SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate used by the external service you're connecting to may have expired or been revoked, preventing the Web Connector from establishing a secure connection.
  2. Outdated QuickBooks Version: If you're using an older version of QuickBooks, it may not be compatible with the latest SSL certificate standards, leading to the revoked certificate error.
  3. Misconfigured Settings: Incorrect settings in the QuickBooks Web Connector or the external service's configuration can also cause the revoked certificate error.

Understanding the root cause of the issue is crucial for effectively resolving the problem and preventing it from recurring in the future.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve the "QuickBooks application with revoked certificate" error, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Update QuickBooks to the Latest Version: Ensure that you're using the latest version of QuickBooks, as newer versions are more likely to be compatible with the latest SSL certificate standards.
  2. Renew the SSL Certificate: If the SSL certificate used by the external service has expired or been revoked, you'll need to work with the service provider to renew the certificate.
  3. Configure Web Connector Settings: Check the settings in the QuickBooks Web Connector to ensure that they are correctly configured. This may include verifying the connection details, proxy settings, and other relevant parameters.
  4. Reset the Web Connector: If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you can try resetting the QuickBooks Web Connector. This will clear any cached data or settings that may be causing the problem.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the revoked certificate error and restore the connection between your QuickBooks application and the external service.

Alternative Solutions

In some cases, the revoked certificate error may persist even after trying the troubleshooting steps. In such scenarios, you can consider the following alternative solutions:

  1. Reinstall QuickBooks: If the issue is related to a deeper problem with your QuickBooks installation, you may need to reinstall the software to ensure a clean and functional setup.
  2. Use a Different Accounting Software: If the revoked certificate error continues to be a persistent problem, you may want to consider switching to a different accounting software that offers better compatibility and support for your specific needs.

Best Practices

To prevent the "QuickBooks application with revoked certificate" error and maintain the smooth operation of your QuickBooks software, consider the following best practices:

  1. Regularly Update QuickBooks: Keep your QuickBooks software up-to-date by installing the latest version as soon as it becomes available. This will ensure that your application is compatible with the latest SSL certificate standards.
  2. Monitor SSL Certificate Expiration: Regularly check the expiration date of the SSL certificates used by the external services you're connected to. Proactively renew the certificates before they expire to avoid disruptions.
  3. Seek Professional Assistance: If you're unsure about the troubleshooting steps or encounter persistent issues, don't hesitate to seek the help of a QuickBooks-certified professional or the QuickBooks support team. They can provide expert guidance and help you resolve the problem efficiently.


The "QuickBooks application with revoked certificate" error can be a frustrating experience, but with the right troubleshooting steps and best practices, you can resolve the issue and maintain the smooth operation of your QuickBooks software. By understanding the role of the QuickBooks Web Connector, identifying the root causes of the problem, and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can ensure that your accounting and financial operations continue to run seamlessly.

Remember, maintaining the health and security of your QuickBooks application is crucial for the success of your small business. By staying proactive and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can avoid disruptions and focus on growing your business with confidence.

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